He is Faithful

Our story of Faith

Who we are

Faith Baptist Church of South Shores is a faith-based, Christ-centered fellowship of believers. It is our desire to faithfully share the Gospel, serve as the hands and feet of Jesus in our community and beyond, and walk in obedience to the Great Commission given to us in Matthew 28:19 to "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit..."

Where we come from

Every church has a story to tell. Like people, churches are similar to one another in many ways. Still, each is an individual entity created by the Spirit of God through the vision given to its founders and the sacrificial service and generosity of those who support it.

It has been unique people, God's people, that have prayed and served and have been led by the Holy Spirit to use this fellowship to reach out and evangelize and to bring many here to be edified and sent out as Christ's witnesses.

Faith Baptist Church of South Shores began as a branch of East Park Baptist Church on March 5, 1961, using the old Enterprise School as its first meeting place. About twenty-five people were present that first Sunday. The Marvin Hardens, with six, and the Howard Wallaces, with five, comprised about half of that first congregation. Others in attendance that first day were Mr. and Mrs. Don Allen, Dick Banning, Mark Britton, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Johnson and family, Mrs. Hale, Bessie and Gladys Stich, Mrs. Funderburk, and her daughter, and of course, Pastor Harry and Mrs. Reed.

On October 15, the growing group moved into the South Shores Elementary School, and on November 28, 1962, it was organized and incorporated as an independent Baptist Church.

As the fellowship grew under the love and caring ministry of Harry and Sarah Reed, a building fund was started with $63.40 given by the First Baptist Church of Streator (Pastor Reed's former church). The people of Faith took up the burden, and the fund grew until they had the funds to purchase the land on which our present building stands. More funds were raised, a bank loan was promised, the people prayed, gave, and worked, and on December 5, 1965, the first worship services were held in what is now our North Fellowship Hall. Then on July 24, 1966, the founding Pastor, Harry J. Reed, retired and moved to Indianapolis.

  • The church's second Pastor, Robert D. Cameron, began his ministry on July 31, 1966, and served until February 23, 1970.

  • On August 1, 1970, Reverend Douglas C. Langmade began his ministry and served until 1978. Under his ministry, youth Pastor John Hunter was hired as the first full-time addition to the church staff. As the fellowship grew, an addition was added to the original building, and then the home that served as the parsonage for several years was built.

  • From June 1, 1979, Reverend Bud Craig faithfully continued the ministry leadership until October 1985. During Pastor Craig's ministry, two individuals, Steve Robinson and Tim Murphey, served as assistants. A third person, Elwin Turner, was taken on as a missionary intern and served as the interim pastor after Craigs departure.

  • In April 1986, Reverend Mike Dodds began his ministry. Reverend Dodds served until his resignation in January 1991, when he left to pursue a ministry opportunity in the Air Force as a Chaplain. In November 1988, during Pastor Dodd's tenure, Frank Losos was taken on and served through December 1992 as the Assistant Pastor to Youth. 

  • Reverend Ron Workman served as pastor from July 1, 1991, to September 30, 1992. 

  • Pastor Bill Toliver was our interim pastor from October 1992 to January 1994.

  • Pastor Mike Osladil began his ministry at Faith on January 11, 1994. He served until January 14, 2001, when he resigned to serve a church near Minneapolis, Minnesota.

  • Our next Pastor, Roger Olson, served here from August 2001 to November 2007, and from February 2008 through 2009, Bill Briggs served as interim pastor. 

  • On May 1, 2009, Pastor Joseph Huss began his ministry here until his resignation on June 26, 2011.

  • Pastor Brian Minott began his ministry here in 2011 as a bi-vocational pastor serving faithfully until April 2022.

Where we're headed

Faith Baptist Church of South Shores called our current pastor on April 16, 2023. Pastor Scott M. Hall is leading the church through a season of revitalization and refocus. We have diligently sought the Lord's leading during this season and have seen tremendous fruit and growth. God has been doing amazing things in His church and we are excited for the future!

What this means for you

What does this mean for you? Most importantly, you're always welcome at Faith Baptist Church of South Shores. We're saving you a seat! Wherever you're at in your faith journey, we want to come alongside you and help you grow in Christ.

If you're ready to plan your first visit, click here. If you want to learn more about our beliefs as a church, click here. Or if you'd simply like to get in touch with our leadership team, click the button below.